Tuesday, July 12, 2011

June's spending

my last updates is on may.. it has been about 2months ago. i am very busy these days.. lots of stuff need to settled out. how i wish i had more time for blogging. huhu

so since my last update, there are a few (maybe a lot!) things i've done which i think mostly is spending more moneyyyyyy.. idk why i'm soooooo crazy these days! it's like i've turn into other person who can't quite think much about other thing except shopping. in june itself, i've spent nearly 2k for my monthly expenses plus my insanity towards buying things (sounds really insane rite??)

The 'broke my pocket' list:
- bills rm100++
- clothes offline rm300++
- clothes online rm500++
- cosmetics offline rm200++
- cosmetics online rm200++
- daily expenses (foods, topups, petrol, movies etc) rm500++

i hope i will survive for next couple of months!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Finding Mr Bright

TIPS: how to find ur mr bright??

yeah.. its Benefit's Finding Mr Bright peeps.. it is quite a catch for beginners with only RM148/set. It has everything u need to get a bright glowing complexion!

The kit includes:
  • Girls Meets Pearl 7.5ml - liquid pearl for face
  • Posie Tint 4ml - poppy-pink tinted lip & cheek stain
  • High Beam 2.5ml - complexion enhancer
  • Erase Paste 3.2g (medium) - brightening camouflage for eyes & face
Been always using BeneTint?? me too.. but u should try the Posie Tint. I fall in love with it seconds after the SA touching up my face. Feels n looks so natural.. best is it suits my skin color perfectly! I'm really gonna buy the full size when my BeneTint is out. hehehe.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

New Semester - Final Semester

yes.. i am now a final semester student! hahaha.. can't wait to finish my study in september.. few months to go. insyaAllah, i will do my very best this semester, graduate as an engineer ;)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Tripping & Wedding Pic

Okeh.. as a reminder, this post is full with pic okey.. they were those taken during my holiday-wedding trip to terengganu and kelantan ;)

d night b4 we went for d trip

having ikan bakar here.. very humble place but delicious ikan bakar evaa.. haha

udang bakar.. its really big okay!

juicy sotong bakar

...and the ikan bakar.. so yummeh!

went 'lepaking' after filling d stomach full.. hehe

whatevernut stall at rantau panjang

so many choices!

before the wedding function

at the wedding

ahaaa.. with d lovely couple

pantai rhu

the full car boot... haha

Shop with FLOW

grrrrreatttt news! Last few weeks, i read about a new boutique that brings plus size clothes in malaysia from here. It is called FLOW.. located at 1st floor Suria KLCC. Later then, this blogger offers a shopping spree for two, and a FLOW VIP shopping card to her follower with juz simple steps by answering question n etc.. well.. the great news is i won the VIP card!! hehehe.. i am soooooo cannot wait to go there n have my great time finding pieces of clothes that will definitely complement my curves ;)

FLOW boutique in Suria KLCC

omg.. lots of colors n style here!

all pic courtesy of plussizekitten.com

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Tripping & Wedding

short or might as well longggg trip i had after the exams. i went to kuantan, kuala terengganu, and kota bharu for one main reason, my friend's wedding and it turns out to be some kinda road trip and short vacay for me and friends journey started on 1st april and ended at 5th april.. no so short actually.. heee.. i'm having fun, and i spend a lot.. that cause me broke now!! huhu

i'll put some pictorial entry later ya.. coz d pic wasn't with me rite now



Monday, March 28, 2011


olla.. its exam week rite now

got 2 papers left

hoping it ends well


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

broga hill

ahhhh.. what else i can say bout broga?? its a well known place for go-hike people out there.. huhu.. well as for me, this is my first time and i found it actually HARDDDD!! yeah u know i said hard. the trek is about 1.7km only but it feels like i'm walking till the end of the world. i took about nearly 2hours to get to the top peak with 5-6times stopping on the way up there. there's a time where i feel like giving up.. but then, i realize if i ever give up now while hiking half way, it does really show how in the future i will give up again if there's challenge faced! oh no.. i should not n i said to myself i should never ever give up. and there i goes.. i continue hiking and i've made it to top! proud of myself as this is the first time i went hiking. the strength needed is never the same as while u go trekking okay.. but after all, i started to like hiking. because since that day, i realize Allah had gave me strong legs. well really strong legs! it's weird, i went back with only ache around my arms and back, but not my legs. they're fine! it's so cool because my friends who came along this trip still got problems with their legs even until today.. hehe..

so, we'll go hiking again.. yippie!! most probably next weekend =))

the faces of joy!
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